Responsibility according to § 55 MDStV: The responsibility for this internet presence - but not for the contents of the pages presented as "links" - lies with Dr. Peter Kuhn, University of Bayreuth, 95447 Bayreuth, mail[at]peterkuhn[dot]de.
Copyright: The copyright for all texts and photos on this website, except for those whose external sources are indicated, is held by Dr. Peter Kuhn. Conceivable trademark or copyright infringements by the offer of Dr. Peter Kuhn are unintentional. Should you nevertheless feel that your rights have been infringed, we ask for your indulgence. In this case please contact us!
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Disclaimer: Dr. Peter Kuhn does not assume any liability in connection with the use of this homepage or the offers presented on it. Errors and changes reserved.
No commercial interests are pursued with this offer. It serves as general information on the book "Dragon and Tiger".